Nine Mile Update:
With the recent snowfalls, there are a few people that have been jumping the gun at Nine Mile and getting on the trails. Please, don't do this until the trails have been officially opened.
At this point, the County is doing their best to get the minimal snow that we have rolled and packed, but more work is needed to allow a general opening. An official opening will be announced when it happens, but, much depends on how much snow we get this weekend and if it can be adequately prepared to provide a good ski experience. Skiing on the trails when they are not ready actually causes more issues and potentially delays things for everyone else.
If you need to get your skis on, there are local options. In Wausau, the Tribute Golf Course trail has been groomed and can be skied on. Better options if you don't mind the drive would be either Iola or Standing Rocks Park.

Iola actually has a nice base for skate skiing and I believe the same holds true of Standing Rocks (see posts from the Ski Team on our FB page). They actually got a little more snow than we did last Monday.
Thanks for your cooperation.- John Burke